Furnishing trend: Urban Jungle Ideas

Wohnraum Urban Jungle

The long day in the stuffy Office or after a trip in a crowded bus, an increasingly frequent Feeling of trepidation? They probably lack the feeling of calming freedom that only nature can trigger in us. Too little time to go to the countryside or go on vacation. Then just get that special feeling at home with an Urban Jungle interior.

The Urban Jungle style ensures the best deep relaxation

Dining chair HWC-M28

As the name suggests, the Urban Jungle furnishing trend is based on a natural flair. Plants, wherever the eye looks, Green as the dominant color contrast countless natural tones and the personal freedom to be able to live out completely are typical features for this living trend.

The urban Jungle style is particularly popular with those people who need a small green oasis in their own four walls in order to be able to switch off from the stress and hustle and bustle of everyday life. In the midst of crowded cities, dreary rows of houses and loud background noises, a a very inspiring retreat. Which provides the necessary deep relaxation and at the same time is able to satisfy longings.

Living space with lots of plants

Did you know that many green plants provide a better indoor climate and literally act as a kind of natural sound insulation? No wonder that plants significantly lower the stress level.

Plants form the basis

Plants of all sizes, shapes and variants are indispensable for the individual urban jungle interior. These should be arranged so that it looks like a naturally grown jungle in Living act. This means that you should not just place the various green and flowering plants next to each other or individually, but arrange the plant species in different heights and sizes as a group.

Expert Advice: You don’t have to drive home half the time to the garden store. Take your time with the greening of your apartment. At the beginning, it is sufficient if you lay the foundation for your personal urban Jungle style with 2 to 3 selected plants.

Especially popular and very suitable are plants such as:

Indoor plants on the window
  • Ficus
  • Monstera
  • Rubber tree
  • Philodendron
  • Yucca Palm
  • Date Palm
  • Anthurium
  • Orchid
  • Alokasia
  • Banana plants
  • mexican mountain palm

Would you like some inspiration?

Green potted plant

The Piston thread for example, it is very robust and can filter pollutants from the indoor air in the home office.

This tropical plant likes it when the humidity is a little higher, which is why it also creates an elegant jungle feeling in the bathroom.

Potted plant ficus

On the other hand, the Ficus for example, ideal if your bedroom should also become a jungle.

Because this plant does not take away the oxygen from you when you sleep, but even produces some.

Both the mexican mountain palm as well as other palm species and large-leaved plants are ideal for your jungle living room.

Especially with the mountain palm, you benefit from the fact that, among other things, toxic carbon monoxide filters out of the room air. Together with beautifully arranged flowering plants a wonderful eye-catcher.

Dwarf palm tree on wooden base

Especially for the kitchen, for example, we recommend Efeutute. This plant manages to eliminate toxic fumes from older chipboard from the kitchen furniture.

And of course it is very decorative and also immerses the kitchen in a wonderfully exotic flair.


Expert Advice “ The plants for the urban jungle style do not necessarily all have to be arranged standing and on one level. For example, use plant ladders, Plant stands or also hanging baskets to ensure a varied coexistence.

Plant Shelf HWC-G32
Plant Shelf HWC-G32

Suitable furniture to furnish the living room jungle

To round off the irresistible jungle feeling, furniture that underlines the natural look is particularly suitable. Among other things, the ideal here are:

  • wooden side tables
  • Sofas made of genuine or artificial leather
  • Rattan armchairs and more
set of 2 side table HWC-A80
Living Room Set HWC-H10
Living room set HWC-H10, artificial leather
Poly-Rattan Set HWC-G17b
Poly-Rattan Set HWC-G17b

Expert Advice “ It does not always have to be the natural rattan or cane wicker. Heute-wohnen.de for example, offers rattan-look seating groups that are ideal for the Urban Jungle living trend. By the way, the same applies to real leather.

Bienne bench
Bienne bench, mahogany wood with Kubu rattan baskets

The colour of the furniture should be as natural as possible. Or natural shades which blend wonderfully into the multi-layered greenery of all the houseplants. Materials such as Bast, linen or also wicker are ideal. Even wooden surfaces that have a natural aging or patina are excellent for creating an equally cozy and urban atmosphere.

The right Urban Jungle decoration

Basically, all the different plants are already very decorative. But to round off this design, some purposefully used accessories are still needed to create the right feeling.

  • Natural material such as branches can be used, for example, as decorative climbing aids
  • Hanging baskets in macrame style from sisal become an eye-catcher
  • Plant pots made of Bast for example, they seem very natural
  • Small-sized greenhouses complement the variety of plants
  • Display images with representations of plants or exotic animals are ideal
Oil painting Taurus
Oil Painting Taurus – handpainted
Oil painting Zebra head
Oil painting Zebra head
Oil painting Tiger
Oil painting Tiger

When it comes to wall design, it has proven itself to take up the theme of the living trend here as well and to choose green shades. This allows you to merge the plant world into a single unit. Choose instead White for the walls, the plants dominate the space.

Expert Advice “ Wonderful photo wallpapers are ideal at first glance, but they can have a detrimental effect in small rooms. In addition, there is a risk that the higher humidity in the room, as it occurs when pollinating and spraying the plants, will cause the motifs on this wallpaper to blow or peel off. It is better here to use single-colored wall surfaces, which, for example, with colorful printed curtains be supplemented.

In the decorative design of your jungle living room are also Pillow, Imitation fur, and Wool carpets an excellent stylistic device. It is particularly impressive when the colourfully blooming plant specimens can be found in the pattern of sofa cushions or curtains.

Jungle-style living room

That Jungle feeling moreover, it can be amplified by a typical background noise. The chirping of birds from the music box or the gentle splashing of a matching room fountain enhance the feeling of being able to fully enjoy the boundless and calming atmosphere of the green oasis.

Tips and tricks of heute-wohnen.de for your Urban Jungle interior

To set up in the jungle style, it doesn’t take much at first. Just set your skilfully staging selected plants. But even if indoor plants, of course, create an enchanting atmosphere of tranquility in any room: better concentrate on one room. Otherwise, your guests could quickly get the impression of entering a greenhouse already after the apartment door.

Flower table HWC-K71
Flower table HWC-K71

In addition, a feeling of chaos and disorder quickly arises when the entire apartment looks practically overgrown and overgrown. In the Cuisine for example, you can make just the right measure with kitchen herbs. So you have a bit of jungle feeling, and yet the usual overview.

In addition, too many plants take the place of the Urban Jungle furniture in the living room, to put it casually. Hardly anyone will be able to fully enjoy the green oasis of relaxation there when the jungle starts just after the front door. So you better bet green accentsand in the room that serves you as an oasis of well-being anyway. It’s not the hallway, is it?

Bedrooms with plants