10 recommendations for suitable Indoor plants to complement the Interior Decoration of the House

Rekomendasi tanaman indoor, Sumber: amazon.com

Not only the outside, the inside also needs special attention. In order for the house to feel homey, there is nothing wrong with adding various interiors that are decorated as beautifully as possible. Indoor plants are able to become accents that can make the house more comfortable and attractive. There are even countless recommendations for indoor plants to complement the interior decoration.

One of the main keys in minimalist residential design and decoration is simplicity and always keeping it looking neat. Although it seems trivial, but these two things can make your dwelling more prominent. Plants are able to give a natural and cool impression that makes the atmosphere feel more comfortable when in the House.

Recommended Indoor plants for a minimalist home

Want to bring a beautiful and fresh decoration to bring a cool feel to your tiny house? Decoration indoor plants are the answer. But it should be noted, that not all ornamental plants must be large and cover the room. In addition to monstera there are many types of mini – sized indoor ornamental plants, cute, and adorable.

Some types of plants also do not need a lot of space that will reduce the space in your dwelling. Currently there are many types of ornamental plants that are suitable for indoor gardens in minimalist homes and complement your residential decor. Here are some recommendations for indoor ornamental plants that are worth considering.

1. Cactus

Indoor cactus plants, source: ftd.com
Indoor cactus plants, source: ftd.com

The first indoor plant recommendation you can choose is a cactus. Although relatively small and prickly, this type of plant turns out to have a lot of health benefits. In addition to being easy to care for, cacti are also able to reduce the effects of computer screen radiation and various other electronic devices.

This type of plant is very suitable to be placed on a work desk or used as a small residential decorator in the middle of the city. One of the most important factors in the process of caring for cactus plants is sunlight.

Some types of cactus plants need 4 to 6 hours of sunlight a day. But if it will be placed in a room that is not too much sunlight you can choose Dollar Tree (zanzibar gem) or ivory betel.

2. Lili Paris

Parisian lilies are very easy to find in the stands of plant sellers. Although it is a market, the benefits of Paris lilies are also massive for health. Given the size is not too big, Paris lilies you can place on the corner or center of an empty table.

Let the Paris lily plant type absorb benzene, carcinogens and nicotine. After that the Paris lily plant will convert the substance into oxygen which is good for health. So it is not surprising that Lili Paris is often used as air purifier indoor plants.

3. Monstera

Although at first glance the name seems horror, but this type of plant has a dense green color that is good for the air in the room. At night, the monstera will absorb CO2 and release oxygen. That way, the air in the room will feel fresher in the morning.

4. Lavender

Lavender plant, source: futurecdn.net
Lavender plant, source: futurecdn.net

The next indoor plant recommendation you can choose is lavender. Although lavender is known as one of the mosquito repellent plants, but actually this type of plant also has a lot of benefits for the health of the body.

One of them is to secrete substances that can make you more relaxed. This type of plant is very suitable for those of you who often experience headaches and insomnia. On the other hand, lavender is also suitable to be placed in the corner of the bedroom or relaxation room.

5. Rosemary

Not only can it be used as a seasoning, but this herbal plant is also able to help increase concentration with its aroma. This is because Rosemary contains 1.8 cincole. You can put the Rosemary plant in a pot and place it near a window with access to plenty of sunlight.

6. Gerbera

Gerbera, recommended indoor plants to decorate the room, source: houseplantcentral.com
Gerbera, recommended indoor plants to decorate the room, source: houseplantcentral.com

NASA scientists found that gerbera is the most effective type of plant to clean the air of benzene. This type of Gerbera plant is useful for absorbing harmful substances and producing oxygen at night. This plant is able to help you who have apnea disorders to sleep better without interference.

7. Sirih Gading

Betel Gading is a type of vine with hanging roots wrapped around the tree. The Shape of the leaves resembles the heart of the liver. While the STEM is elongated and protruding. Betel Gading is suitable as a vertical garden. This plant is believed to be able to get rid of various toxins such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde in the room.

8. Suplir

Suplir has a bright green color and is able to provide a visual reaction for anyone who sees it. Especially when placed in the room. It’s not just a reaction to the eyes. Plants with small leaves are also able to help reduce the effects of radiation from various electronic devices.

Suplir is also included in one type of plant that is suitable to be placed in a minimalist concept dwelling. This plant belongs to the type of adiantum that is able to absorb formaldehyde substances up to 20 micrograms of each type.

9. Tongue In Law

Mother-in-law's tongue, source: honestdocs.id
Mother-in-law’s tongue, source: honestdocs.id

Aloe vera is one type of plant that has many benefits. The shape resembles aloe vera is able to absorb air pollution and dust in the room. Mother-in-law’s tongue is very suitable for those of you who have allergies to dust. Put this plant in the corner of the room especially near the entrance.

10. Bamboo in the Pot

Bamboo plants are not always synonymous with large, numerous, and being outdoors. This time you can also put a small bamboo plant in a pot in a dwelling or what is often known as ornamental bamboo.

For the Chinese, this type of plant is believed to be a carrier of good luck. But not only that, it turns out that bamboo plants are also able to convert carbon dioxide in the room into oxygen so that the air in the room becomes fresher.

How do you already know which indoor plant recommendations to choose this time? In addition to choosing the most appropriate type of plant, you can also use the services of interior Jogja to help make the design and help choose the right type of plant so that your home is more beautiful and beautiful.