Renovate 2 Bedroom apartment into 1 compact Studio and feel more spacious

Renovate 2 Bedroom apartment into 1 compact Studio and feel

Renovate 2 Bedroom apartment into 1 compact Studio and feel more spacious

Renovation of a 2 Bedroom apartment into a compact and noticeably more spacious 1 Studio | Foto artikel Arsitag

2 bedroom apartment converted into a studio, Karya Sela Rupa, via

Want to transform your apartment into a more spacious, spacious and comfortable? Renovating an apartment is certainly not an easy project, but it is not impossible. You must calculate every aspect of the apartment unit carefully before starting to renovate. Wrong in making the design and calculations, the consequences can make the apartment even feel more cramped and uncomfortable.

For those of you who are still in doubt, take a look at the Airy Apartment design by Sela Rupa on this one. The apartment, which originally had two bedrooms, was renovated into a studio so that it looks more spacious. Curious about the design? Check out the following.

Furniture Compact and multifunctional
Multifunctional table in the room, the work of Sela Rupa, via

Multifunctional table in the room, the work of Sela Rupa, via

Not only eliminating room dividers, this studio apartment also only uses furniture that is really important and needed by its residents. This is important so that the apartment still feels spacious and comfortable. Limited space in this apartment is overcome by using furniture that is only needed such as beds, tables, minimalist sofas, simple dining tables, and kitchens.

Minimalist and compact furniture, apartment karya Sela Rupa, via

Minimalist and compact furniture, apartment karya Sela Rupa, via

The size of the selected furniture is also modest and compact, it doesn’t take up too much space in the apartment. One example is a wooden table located in the bedroom area that can double as a work desk as well as a dressing table.

Also read: elegant transformation of 2 1-bedroom apartment units combined into one

Predominance of warm shades of Wood Brown and Gray
The dominance of brown wood and Gray, the work of Sela Rupa, via

The dominance of brown wood and Gray, the work of Sela Rupa, via

One of the most important things in designing a studio apartment is the harmony of color and design for the entire space. This apartment uses bright brown wood material and gray walls that dominate the entire apartment space. This wood Material is also combined with a bright white color that makes the room feel more spacious. Wood is used on floors, furniture, shelves, tables, and so on.

The combination of white and wood, the work of Sela Rupa, via

The combination of white and wood, the work of Sela Rupa, via

Selection Brown and gray colors add warmth to every corner of the apartment. The matching colors make the apartment feel like one and the same spacious room, only it has many functions in it.

Wooden partition in the bedroom Area
Wooden partition in the sleeping area, the work of Sela Rupa, via

Wooden partition in the sleeping area, the work of Sela Rupa, via

The apartment, which used to have two bedrooms, has been transformed into a studio apartment with a comfortable one bedroom. The loss of this partition makes the apartment space feel more spacious. However, the loss of partitions makes the apartment have no room dividers. To solve this, a minimalist partition is installed from several wooden slats that match the size of the bed. This partition gives a little privacy to the bedroom area without making the room feel narrower.

Kitchen with hanging shelves
Kitchen hanging rack with plenty of storage, works in between looks, via

Kitchen hanging rack with plenty of storage, works in between looks, via

The kitchen which is the heart of the apartment is very well laid out with ample storage shelves. Although the size is limited, all the needs of the kitchen can be stored well on hanging shelves and kitchen set kitchen.

Dining table in the middle of the room, works Sela Rupa, via

Dining table in the middle of the room, works Sela Rupa, via

This I-Line or straight-line kitchen design greatly saves space in the apartment. The rest of the space in the middle of the kitchen was used to put a dining table that can also serve as kitchen island. This table can also be an additional place to prepare food ingredients before cooking.

Read also: beautiful design of a compact Studio apartment with a Secret Table

Accent lights in a minimalist dining room
Industrial lighting accents in the dining table area, works Sela Rupa, via

Industrial lighting accents in the dining table area, works Sela Rupa, via

No less important thing that is added to this apartment is the accent chandelier in the dining room. The minimalist design with warm yellow light colors, adds an artistic impression while adding comfort to the interior appearance of the apartment.

It turns out that with the right design, a tiny apartment can also look spacious, comfortable and functional. Interested in decorating your apartment?