5 Easy and effective ways to clean a dirty Sofa

Easy and effective ways to clean a dirty Sofa

Taking care of the cleanliness of the house is something that must be done so that residents of the house avoid disease. However, unfortunately some people often miss to clean this one furniture. The Furniture is a sofa. Then, how to clean the sofa so that dirt and dust that sticks to it can disappear perfectly?

Often homeowners are more focused on cleaning the floor, wiping the table, and decorations in the room of the House. In fact, the sofa is also furniture that must be cleaned. Especially if the sofa is a place that is often used to carry out various activities. If missed, germs and fungi can harm the residents of the House.

On the other hand, some people may think that cleaning the sofa is a difficult job. This is due to the size of the sofa which is generally large and heavy, so it requires experts who are smart and know how to clean the sofa.

However, on this occasion we will give you some tips on how to clean the sofa easily. Check out the explanation until it’s finished.

Things that are dangerous if you do not clean the Sofa

Before you know how to clean the sofa, it’s good to know why the cleanliness of the sofa is a matter of concern. One of them is the sofa is one of the furniture that is very easy to dust. Dust that sticks to the surface of the sofa can cause itchy nose, sneezing, to cough.

Not only dust, germs and fungi can also stick to your favorite living room sofa. This is very difficult, because germs and fungi can not be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, it takes time to clean regularly so that germs do not easily land on your favorite sofa.

How to clean a dirty Sofa to get it back as clean as possible

Actually, cleaning the sofa is not a difficult thing. Although it takes more time and effort, of course it is nothing compared to the health of the residents of the House. Here are tips on cleaning the sofa to return to its original condition.

1. Using A Vacuum Cleaner

The most commonly used tool in cleaning any dust or dirt is a vacuum cleaner. This tool is not only used as a substitute for a home broom, but can also be used when you want to clean the sofa at home.

By using a vacuum cleaner, of course, the process of removing dirt, dust, fungi and germs that stick will be easier to lift when compared to using manual cleaning tools such as Duster.

The advantage of a vacuum cleaner in cleaning the sofa is that it can reach to the sidelines or corners of the sofa which are usually difficult to clean. In fact, the area is often a gathering place for fungi and other germs, this is because this area is difficult to reach for cleaning.

How to clean a sofa using a vacuum cleaner, source: acehardware.co.id
How to clean a sofa using a vacuum cleaner, source: acehardware.co.id

2. Cleaning The Sofa Using Detergent Soap

There are times when residents of the house accidentally spill food or drinks on the surface of the sofa. Of course, the spill can leave stains on the sofa that you have. If it is not cleaned properly, then your sofa will look dirty.

How to clean a stained sofa can be overcome by using detergent soap. But please note, that the detergent soap chosen must be in accordance with the type of sofa owned.

For this type of sofa made of fabric, you can use ordinary detergent soap. However, it is different if the sofa is a leather sofa. You must use a special detergent for leather so that the condition of the sofa is not getting damaged.

Use of detergent soap for sofas, sources: fluffandfoldlaundromat.com
Use of detergent soap for sofas, sources: fluffandfoldlaundromat.com

3. Cleaning with wet wipes

If there are few stains or water spills that are not so much on the surface of the sofa, you can overcome them by using wet wipes. Just take a few wet wipes and then wipe them on the surface of the sofa that is stained or spilled liquid.

However, you cannot leave the surface of the sofa wet. After using wet wipes, immediately dry the surface of the sofa using a fan or other aids so that the sofa you have is protected from musty odors.

Cleaning the sofa with wet wipes, source: kompas.com
Cleaning the sofa with wet wipes, source: kompas.com

4. Utilizing Vinegar Liquid

Another sofa cleaning tip is to use vinegar which is usually part of the cooking ingredients in the kitchen. How to clean a sofa using vinegar liquid is also quite easy. The first step is to mix white vinegar and ordinary water in a ratio of 1: 1. After that, put the liquid mixture in a spray bottle.

The next step, the liquid in the bottle can be sprayed on the sofa surface area that is dirty or there are stains that are still attached. Rub the surface of the sofa slowly using a brush or rag. Do not forget to dry the traces of liquid so that the sofa does not become damp.

Using vinegar liquid, sources: suara.com
Using vinegar liquid, sources: suara.com

5. Cleaning the Sofa with soapy water

Who would have thought that cleaning the sofa can be done using water mixed with bath soap? However, there is an important thing to note is to avoid spraying the soapy water directly onto the surface of the sofa. This aims to prevent damage to the sofa material.

The safest way is to rub the dirty part of the sofa due to stains using a brush that has been exposed to soapy water. Rub slowly and gently until the stain attached to the sofa is gone.

Utilizing soapy water to clean the sofa, source: wowkeren.com
Utilizing soapy water to clean the sofa, source: wowkeren.com

Those were some tips and easy ways to clean your favorite sofa. Although the design of the family room is enhanced with quality furniture, it will still look unsightly if the owner is not diligent in caring for and cleaning it.

Therefore, to maintain the cleanliness of the furniture in the House, should always do regular cleaning. Hopefully the information above can help you to overcome the sofa problem.