6 recommendations for good and quality HPL brands

recommendations for good and quality HPL brands

Do you agree if the design style and furniture are eye-catching will definitely be the center of attention? Nah, to make classy furniture that can give a modern look, of course, premium materials are needed. One such material is HPL. Then what are the quality HPL brands?

Before discussing the brands of HPL on the market, you need to know first about HPL. For those of you who still do not know about HPL, then this article can be a reference material when you are hunting quality furniture.

HPL or High Pressure Laminate is one of the materials or materials used in the finishing stage of a furniture product. HPL products have several layers, consisting of a layer of Kraft impregnated with phenolic resin (kraft paper), a decorative layer (decor paper), and a clear laminated layer (overlay paper).

The layers are produced under high pressure and temperature which is about 140 degrees Celsius. There are a number of benefits to using a CPAP machine (High Pressure Laminate).

So do not be surprised if this material is often used as an outer coating of furniture in the House. For example, such as a dining table, wardrobe, to a kitchen set in the kitchen.

Advantages of using HPL materials

Before moving on to a row of recommendations for the best HPL brands, it’s a good idea to know in advance what are the advantages and advantages of using HPL material as furniture upholstery. Among them are the following:

1. Resistant from scratches

If you have furniture that is full of scratches, of course it can reduce its appeal, right? So that’s the reason the use of HPL coatings is very useful when going through the finishing process.

Why is that? Because HPL has a strong enough resistance to scratches and collisions from sharp objects around.

2. A very easy way to care

In caring for various furniture that has a HPL finishing layer, it is actually very easy. There is no need for special or complicated techniques to clean adhering dirt.

The first step you need to do is to clean it by using a rag. Clean until dust and dirt disappear. You can also use furniture cleaning fluids that can be purchased on the market as a complement.

As is known, HPL is also often used in the finishing process of kitchen set materials made from Multiplex. If the kitchen set in your home using Multiplex coated HPL, then you do not need to bother cleaning and maintaining the kitchen set.

Various choices of HPL motifs, sources: hargabangunan.id
Various choices of HPL motifs, sources: hargabangunan.id

3. HPL price is quite economical

You don’t have to worry about having to spend expensive to get furniture with HPL coatings. This is because some HPL brands can still be said to have a fairly affordable price. Although the price is not expensive, but that does not mean the quality is not good.

4. Has a large selection of colors and motifs

To give the impression of harmony between the style of home design with furniture or furniture used, can be tricked by choosing the right color. Currently there are many varieties of color choices and HPL motifs that you can adjust to the concept of interior Design in your home.

List of quality HPL brands sold in the market

If you are still included in the layman’s category in determining which brand of HPL is quality, this article can help you in making a choice. Here is a good and quality HPL brand recommendation.

1. Taco HPL

Taco Brand is one of the HPL brands in Indonesia and already has a good reputation for quality. HPL taco brand provides more than 400 color variants that can adjust your interior needs.

HPL provided Taco can be used to coat furniture such as kitchen sets, wardrobes, TV cabinets, and much more.

Taco HPL, source: biaya.info
Taco HPL, source: biaya.info

2. Eco HPL

In addition to tacos there are other HPL brands that you can choose, namely Eco. Eco HPL is one of the decorative laminate manufacturers that offers its products at very competitive prices.

Eco provides many motifs and color choices that are suitable to be used as furniture coatings that can be used for the interior needs of your home or office.

Eco HPL, source: hpleco.com
Eco HPL, source: hpleco.com

3. Grasmerino HPL

Another HPL brand that can be your consideration. Grasmerino is a HPL brand from India that has good quality.

Among the best colors produced by the Grasmerino brand are vintage, drymate, cosmic stripe, concrete, linen, and natural rock colors.

Grasmerino HPL, source: podiumminimalis.com
Grasmerino HPL, source: podiumminimalis.com

4. Aica HPL

Aica is a HPL brand produced by Japan. To prove how good the quality is, AICA HPL has passed the standard quality process of the Japan Industry Standard (JIS).

In addition, this brand also has certification from Greenguard & Singapore Green Label, as one of the products that has a commitment to producing environmentally friendly HPL.

HPL products from Aica, source: aica.co.id
HPL products from Aica, source: aica.co.id

5. Arborite HPL

If you are looking for a local HPL product that has also been certified by Greenguard, then the answer is Arborite HPL. This HPL brand comes from PT. Massoia Indonesia.

This is a list of products that are safe and free of chemicals (Volatile Organic Compounds) as a material for interior design needs of homes and other buildings.

Arborite HPL, source: yogyacreative.com
Arborite HPL, source: yogyacreative.com

6. Himmel HPL

Another HPL brand that can be a recommendation for you is Himmel. Himmel offers a large selection of motifs to meet your interior needs. In addition, HPL produced by Himmel is a product that is resistant to fungal attack, elastic, can be drilled, nailed, or sculpted.

The price offered is also quite affordable, so it can be used as a consideration for those of you who have a limited budget.

Himmel HPL catalog, source: bukalapak.com
Himmel HPL catalog, source: bukalapak.com

All HPL brand recommendations mentioned above can be a consideration for you. However, if you are still confused in deciding which brand is the best, you can discuss directly with interior services.