10 Decoration Trends To Adopt In 2024

Decoration Trends To Adopt In 2024

Decoration Trends To Adopt In 2024The year 2024 will soon be on its way, and with it (hopefully) lots of good and new things. Let’s discover together the decoration trends to adopt in 2024.

The furniture takes roundnessDecoration Trends To Adopt In 2024

It is well known: the curves have the gift of being reassuring, because they recall the curves of the woman and the mother. They are enveloping and warm, perfect for decorating our cocoon with a lot of softness.

Travertine, an ancient material that has become trendy againDecoration Trends To Adopt In 2024

After years of reign in decoration, marble is about to be dethroned by travertine ! This natural stone with very soft tones is put on the front of the stage for its slightly irregular appearance and its luminous hue.

Long used for floors, travertine is now available on furniture and decorative accessories, for our greatest pleasure.

Objects with organic shapesDecoration Trends To Adopt In 2024

Already very popular in 2022 and 2023, organic design remains at the forefront in our interiors. We love these random shapes that unfold here and there, on a mirror or a candlestick. It makes our interiors even more lively!

Well-being at homeDecoration Trends To Adopt In 2024

With everything we have endured over the past two years, well-being at home has become paramount. This somewhat mystical trend offers us many ideas to purify your interior, take time for yourself, and live in perfect harmony with what surrounds you.

A true protective cocoon, our interior must be purified so that we can be at our best. Palo Santo sticks, oracles and stones invest our interiors and are now part of our daily lives. But it is also a question of arranging the spaces correctly so that the different energies can circulate.

If the subject interests you, a book on the subject of well-being at home can be a good start. We recommend that you read Toit et moi, by Caroline Watelet and Billie Blanket. It’s a great source of inspiration!

Sage green, the trend color in 2024Decoration Trends To Adopt In 2024

Color trends of the year 2024, sage green is now making its way into our interiors. Reminiscent of the color of the stem of a flower, this shade is perfect for creating a soothing and invigorating atmosphere at the same time.

With which colors to associate sage green?

Sage green is an easy color to combine. In a classic decor, this shade will be perfectly highlighted alongside a pure white. Touches of black will provide the necessary contrast. But you can also play the shades card, playing on a harmony of neutral and sandy hues.

For a more daring decoration, it can be associated with navy blue or mustard yellow.

Finally, sage green will easily find its place alongside different woods, light or dark.

Soft and soothing, sage green is perfect in all rooms of the house, from the bedroom to the living room, including the kitchen and the world of kids.

Minimalism is always in orderDecoration Trends To Adopt In 2024

A minimalist interior yes, but thought out efficiently! The goal is not to live in an empty interior, but to organize our interior with things that make us vibrate.

For this, we rely on beautiful materials, carefully chosen colors, and furniture with pure lines. For decoration, let your heart speak and look for objects that arouse real emotion: is this lamp just a favorite or do you love it deeply?

Bet on a large format suspensionDecoration Trends To Adopt In 2024

And to refine the decor of its minimalist interior, nothing beats a superb XXL pendant lamp. Because yes, large format lights are becoming more and more popular and that’s good!

Perfect to catch the eye, the XXL suspension dresses the ceiling while bringing style. We will therefore bet on a beautiful design piece, perfect to create a wow effect.

Objects that promote raw materialsDecoration Trends To Adopt In 2024

To create contrast in our often too plain interiors, think about playing with objects or small pieces of furniture that promote raw materials.

Marble, plaster and steel are available in this way and invite themselves into our interiors with a lot of modernity.

Ethnic inspirations from elsewhereDecoration Trends To Adopt In 2024

Perfect for bringing a touch of escape, we love pretty objects with ethnic inspirations. My favorite: the brand 101 Copenhagen!

This Danish house has been designing collections since 2017 that promote artisanal know-how combined with a design that is both ethnic and timeless. Their ceramic objects have also become cult!

Responsible furnitureDecoration Trends To Adopt In 2024

Responsible furniture has a bright future ahead of it. More and more brands are turning to French and responsible manufacturing. But also towards recycled or responsible materials as well.